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About Bibi Dowell

  • Focus on goals
  • Research
  • Lifestyle Consideration
  • Plan & Organize
  • Get Caffeine & Music
  • Play (AKA Design)
How I design

Passionately designing for a purpose

People who know me are tired of hearing that I grew up and lived in New York City for 25 years. But I can’t hide how proud I am of my city roots, mostly because it shaped my love of art and design while simultaneously exposing me to the disparity of privilege and poverty. My career as a designer allows me to exercise my creativity with purpose. Each day I’m challenged with how to visually communicate a message for my clients who are on a mission. I consider myself lucky to be doing work that I love for people and organizations that I admire. My happiest day will be when all of us taking part in “fighting the good fight” no longer have to do so.

I enjoy laughing at inappropriate jokes, learning about the human experience, drinking tea, good conversation, exploring, listening to ’90s music, being bossed around by my daughter and wishing it were Summer.

Feeling the connection? Let’s see if it’s mutual.
Contact me

Little Laughs

I’ve been in therapy. I know enough about myself now to know that I really don’t need to know anymore.

Larry David

Why would women want to go to a gym if there were no men there watching them and judging them?

Homer Simpson

How embarrassing to be human.

Kurt Vonnegut

One good thing about New York is that most people function daily while in a low-grade depression.

Mindy Kaling

And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.

Michael Scott

All life stinks and you must embrace that with compassion.

Joseph Campbell